@ Siri (Ergänzung) (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Ulrich ⌂, München-Pasing, Samstag, 14.06.2014, 01:41 (vor 3672 Tagen) @ Ulrich (8214 Aufrufe)


Inflation der astrologischen Interpretationen zu Quatrain 10-67:

Van Berkel categorized this quatrain as a horary chart quatrain.
The second and third line refer - in detail - to a configuration by mentioning zodiacal positions of five planets.
In the imagination period (October 16, 1524 - February 27, 1554), this configuration occurred between May 3 and May 22, 1549. On May 3, 1549, Venus started moving through Taurus. The last day on which Mars was in Cancer, was May 22, 1549. These data indicate a fulfilment year in the period around 3440 - 3460.
The first line. The month of fulfilment is May. Applying the CD4-system shows that the composing date of this quatrain was May 9, 1549. The fulfilment date of this quatrain is around May 6, 3455.

Brind'Amour writes that the planetary positions, mentioned in this quatrain, occurred in May 1549. Further, he writes that on May 4, 1549, a heavy earthquake took place in the Montélimar region, with heavy hail short thereafter.

Wöllner writes that the planetary positions, mentioned in this quatrain, occurred around the end of May 1312 and the beginning of May 1549. He has calculated that these planetary positions also occur on April 8, 1929 (Julian calendar) and the beginning of May 3755.
Wöllner thinks that this quatrain points to 1549, since there was a heavy earthquake in May and extreme hail in November. In the case of new earthquakes and extreme hail, the given planetary positions would re-occur.

[Christian] Wöllner, eigentlich Karl Weidner: http://wiki.astro.com/astrowiki/de/Karl_Weidner
Historische Erdbeben-Datenbank, hier: Erdbeben 13. Mai 1549, Cuneese, Italien: http://www.emidius.eu/AHEAD/main/info/?en=21880

dass es sich bei Nonnay um einen Ort handelt und dass Mars in dem Fall für Krieg steht.
Ist das mal recherchiert worden, gibt es einen Ort mit einem ähnlichen Namen?


Dort ist der Fundstelle einer Schrift von 1622 zu entnehmen, daß es einen Ort dieses Namens gab ("Nonnay ville du Viuarets")





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