
Wiederkehrender Tsunamitraum aus Vancouver (Pazifikküste) (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Taurec ⌂, München, Mittwoch, 16.05.2018, 07:59 (vor 2184 Tagen) (2931 Aufrufe)
bearbeitet von Taurec, Mittwoch, 16.05.2018, 08:07


Im Zukunftsforum gefunden und ursprünglich auf godlikeproductions.com veröffentlicht, nicht ganz uninteressant.

  • Sich lebenslang wiederholende Träume.
  • Gigantische, wasserwandartige Flutwelle.
  • Offenbar mit ausreichender Vorwarnzeit, um Evakuierungen einzuleiten.
  • Vermuteter Zeitraum zwischen Mai und Oktober wegen der Kreuzfahrtschiffe.
  • Lebt nun in einer Stadt, die der Traumumgebung entspricht: am Ozean, Kreuzfahrtschiffe, muß die gesehene Brücke überqueren, wenn er/sie zu seiner/ihrer Tante will.

"Anonymous Coward" (User-ID: 68353014), Kanada, 11. Mai 2018, 23:00:

"My whole life I’ve had the same five or so dreams, not exactly the same in the literal sense, but the sentiment and situations have been repetitive. I grew up in the middle of Alberta, born in Edmonton, moved around to Saskatchewan and then Calgary, I even lived in Toronto for 1 year when I was 21, lived in London England when I was 26-28....

My whole life I’ve dreamt of the ocean, bridges and boats, and a giant wave... this wave just stood there beside me like a wall into infinity, and there were cruise ships.

I live in Vancouver now. I have ocean views from my house, I ride the seabus everyday. The seabus! I cross the burrard inlet to get to downtown Vancouver where I watch the cruise ships dock, one or two pull in everyday starting from May and run until the end of September.

The funny thing is I have an Aunt who lived in Cochrane while I was living in Calgary, but I remember in one of these repetitive type dreams having to cross a bridge to get to her. I’ve had this 'crossing a bridge a to see my aunt dream' many a time.
I live in Vancouver now, no longer in the praries like I’ve been for the past 33 years, my aunt well she just lives over the bridge, in Surrey :-(

We live in my dream, and there’s always this Giant wave and there’s always the giant airport where I get assigned a seat on an evacuation flight, there’s always this giant hotel, or is it a giant place where lots of people are in beds, like cots, there’s Chaos, there’s the military, there’s choppers and planes in the sky. I always feel fear, I’m always on my own just trying to survive, avoiding being prey.

I must add although in real life id never brag about this shit, but I’m a type 0-negative, red haired, mix, with a Persian mother and great grandfather who was a Sufi prophet and my other grandfather on the English side a free mason, neither of them have I met.... this is where I’m going to experience the event, between May to Oct here in Vancouver, god bless us all, May you find peace, and my your family’s that survive be comforted, because their god foresaken souls will always wonder whether or not you are alive out here somewhere."


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