Finanzsystem implodiert - naechste Schritt? (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Jayef, Freitag, 03.10.2008, 00:59 (vor 5742 Tagen) @ Kiaril (5445 Aufrufe)

Naechste Schritt:

This from a friend in Atlanta with strong banking connections: “Reliable word that Bank of America branch managers just received a letter or memo from the USFed instructing them to perhaps be ready for a one-week universal shut-down of the banking system, including access to checking accounts, savings accounts and credit cards. Reliable word has it that BofA bank branches received a shipment of signs last week, reading “WE'RE SORRY, BUT DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND OUR CONTROL, WE CANNOT BE OPEN AT THIS TIME.”

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