Hallo Taurec,
ausgegraben hat die Prophezeiung 2009 ein Ludwig Schneider
Quelle: http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/just-5-years-till-end-times-commence/
und: http://2010rapture.org/8jubilees.html
Originalartikel aus "Israel Today":
"Because most of his writings were published so long ago – before the invention of the printing press – and in German, few copies have survived. But Schneider has a copy of Judah Ben Samuel’s prophecy about the nation of Israel and the messianic era and has translated the highlights of it into English and other languages for the magazine Israel Today."
Quelle: http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/just-5-years-till-end-times-commence/
Auf dieser Seite
wird Judah Ben Samuel's Zählung ausführlich dargestellt.
Der Autor, Greg Killian, schreibt:
"Many scholars have studied and made reference to Judah Ben Samuel’s writings in an effort to understand how he reached his conclusions. Among those referencing Ben Samuel were Rabbi Isaac Ben Solomon Luria, a mystic dealing with the messianic world;[89] Joseph Solomon Delmegido,[90] a mathematician and astronomer,[91] Azulai I,[92] a famed bibliographer; Samuel David Luzzatto,[93] a Bible scholar; historian Heinrich Graetz;[94] and Torah scholar Jacob Epstein.[95]"
Woraus folgt, daß spätestens seit dem 16.Jh. nicht an der Echtheit / Herkunft des Textes gezweifelt wurde.