Sunnitische Quelle der Prophezeiung (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Leserzuschrift @, Freitag, 19.07.2013, 11:40 (vor 4185 Tagen) @ Taurec (4539 Aufrufe)


Das ist vielleicht was Du gesucht hast. Uebrigens ist es keine schiitische sondern sunnitische Quelle. Die sunniten glauben ebenfalls an Mahdi als Vorlaufer des zweiten Kommens Jesus.

A. F.

"At that time the earth will collapse into sinkholes in various places: one in the east, one in the west, and one in Hejaz, Saudi Arabia. A fog will cover the earth for 40 days, during which time the non-believers will lay unconscious, while Moslems will suffer from a cold-like illness. The fog will be followed by three days of darkness. This will occur during the month of Zil-Hajj after Eidul-Adha. Then the sun will rise in the west. After this event, it will be too late to repent. A cold wind will kill all Moslem believers, leaving only the infidels alive to witness the Last Hour. When the angel Israfil blows his trumpet, the resurrection will begin."

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