Hallo BB,
Dessen radebrechendes "Englisch" über fünf Stunden hinweg (und noch dazu in miserabler Tonqualität) überfordert sowohl meine Aufmerksamkeitsspanne als auch meine Geduld. Ich wäre Dir daher für eine Zusammenfassung seiner wesentlichen Behauptungen sehr verbunden.
Ein (foren-relevanter) Auszug:
Kerry Cassidy über Kameron Fally:
"As an insider, he has access to information of the preparations by governments around the world for something that we, the general public are not being told. In this video he explains his background, theory and the signs that governments are preparing at the highest levels for a significant event in the next two years. He is also a remote viewer and has visions which he believes are also giving him information about this."
Kameron Fally zu [festhalten!] Panet-X:
"Overall Timing:
• To be seen by naked eye Dec 2015. • Appears from behind Sun Easter Mar-Apr 2016. • Dust diming Sun then moon (3+ days) Jun-Jul 2016. • Earth orbits for a bit clearing view to Sun Jul-Aug 2016. • Governments denying any impact all the way. • People becoming unsure as to what is happening. • Rio Olympics games 5-21 Aug will take place. • Dust catching up and covering globe by Aug 14 + days. • Darkness covering Earth 1+ years. • 1-5 years later Jesus comes down in a bright cloud clearing the dust from the planet’s path. • A reset of planet Earth takes place. A new age for humanity is about to begin.
The Effects Of The Passing:
• Little or no light from the Sun. • Little or no moon-light being visible. • No orbiting satellites remaining or communicating. • Total EM interference due to iron-oxide in dust. • Total global panic and halting of all major activities including trade on the planet. • Constant rain, weather changes, earthquakes etc. • Magnetic weakening à shifting à collapse à reversal of magnetic poles. • Little air transport (except propellers). • Little sea transport (except small-medium boats). • Collapse of outside farming and possible global famine."
Quelle: http://www.greatdreams.com/planets/fally-planet-x.html
Kameron Fally hat in Kerry Cassidy die ideale Wegbereiterin für seine revolutionäre "Astro-Planetologie" gefunden:
"Soldiers who are alleged to be going to Iraq or Afghanistan are actually being sent off planet to places like Mars to fight battles alongside other alien races. Those men and women will have their minds wiped when they come back. This is why we’re having a lot of suicides with ex-soldiers. In some cases their minds have been wiped so many times they become unbalanced as a result. When they return, they don’t know where they’ve been. They think they’ve been to the Middle East, but they’ve actually been elsewhere." Kerry Cassidy in einem Interview des Magazins "Sneaky", Dezember 2014.
Dem aktuellen "Project Camelot" ging "Project Serpi" voraus, aus dem sie sich 2006 zurückzog. Dort erfuhr der staunende Leser, daß die US-Regierung seit Jahrzehnten ein "Austausch-Projekt" mit den Bewohnern von Zeta-Reticuli unterhält, wobei die Reise, bei einer Entfernung von 39 Lichtjahren, wegen 40-facher Lichtgeschwindigkeit kaum ein Jahr beträgt.
Im Mai 2015 berichtete sie, Opfer eines geheimdienstlichen "Skalar-Waffen"-Angriffs geworden zu sein und rät, mittels in den Taschen getragener Magnete die "DNA-Signatur zu ändern", was den "Skalar-Waffen" die Ortung erschweren soll. Alles klar ?
Nicht vergessen: Die Magnete in die Taschen, nicht unter die Mütze ! Sonst geht's Dir so wie Kerry Cassidys Hirn