Danke Euch (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Alex, Samstag, 12.03.2011, 00:22 (vor 5034 Tagen) @ Jayef (3484 Aufrufe)

Danke Dir, Jayef
das Cohen Zitat hatte ich noch gesucht, aber so auf die Schnelle nicht gefunden.
Die Tom Bearden Seite ist krass, nicht?
Ich habe alle seine Bücher als eBücher.
Bin momentan am Überlegen ob ich sie mich alle auch nochmal als "hardcopy" bestellen soll.


Der US Verteidigungsminister William Cohen in 1997:

“Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby
they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through
the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds
out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon
other nations…It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our
[counterterrorism] efforts.”

Rapport des EU-Parlaments, 14ten Januar 1999:

";(T.) in der Erwägung, daß die militärischen Forschungsarbeiten über die
Beeinflussung der Umwelt als Waffe trotz bestehender Übereinkommen
weitergeht, wie das Beispiel des HAARP-Systems mit Standort in Alaska

Noch frueher (jetzt mit Video!):
In Teil 2 des Artikels:

"In 1968/9 Australian Army MP's with 4wd. jeeps were airlifted in to the
Great Sandy Desert to round up a couple of hundred nomadic Aboriginal
tribes people and ship them out to Broome. This region was declared "OFF
LIMITS TO THE PUBLIC" and all access tracks into the desert were guarded by
military Police. The published reason was the danger from a series of test
launches from Woomera in South Australia over the Great Sandy Desert and
Broome of the British Blue Streak missiles, and of the European four stage
space rocket satellite launching system - they even got this one into orbit
eventually in early 1970 and 1971. Thereafter the British missile programme
and the European space effort were rather mysteriously and suddenly closed

In 1970 Aquitaine did no field work. In late March 1970 a series of
concentrated 3.0-5.0 Richter earthquakes commenced in the eastern Great
Sandy Desert (NB. none ever known previously since W.A. seismometers were
installed in 1900 - also NO aboriginal racial memory of quakes in this
region). These quakes stopped in early October 1970 only to recommence the
following year again. Isolated quakes have continued every year since 1970.
The late March to early October period each year is the only viable field
period in this region - due to the extreme heat of +50 degrees Centigrade
in the months of November - February.


In 1973 the BMR published a report about the strange explosion of new
earthquakes in the eastern Great Sandy Desert - this contained incorrect
quake epicenter maps - apparently biased to NOT show the strange regular
positioning of these quakes along a 10km x 10km spaced grid over some 80km
x 70 km area - with a central 2km spaced series of quakes along two lines
forming an apparently central "aiming point" cross.

The 1996 AGSO Mundaring Observatory epicenter data demonstrates this
regular quake epicenter pattern very well. The accuracy of epicenter
determination is thought to be +/-10 km. Other Australian areas of dense
quake distribution show chaotic elliptical area spreads - clustered
statistically around central points - not regular grid lines of quakes
marching through the desert. These quakes are not due to seismic explosives
- unless they used several kilotons at each shot hole !!!

The Great Sandy Desert earthquakes are distributed almost exactly due east
of the Exmouth vlf Tx site [Tesla-Antenne], and intriguingly are also
located upon a magnetic north pole great circle route from Exmouth's sister
transmitter complex located at Cutler, Maine, on the north eastern seaboard
of the USA near the Canadian border."

Usw., usw., usw.,


Neue Männer braucht das Land!!

Schritt Nr. 14: "Die Erschaffung einer versklavenden (unsinnigen / bewusst irreführenden) Philosophie innerhalb einer Feindesnation." ----Psychopolitik (Kapitel 1)

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