
Weitere interessante Artikel (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Taurec ⌂, München, Montag, 28.03.2011, 16:38 (vor 4869 Tagen) @ Taurec (10113 Aufrufe)
bearbeitet von Taurec, Montag, 28.03.2011, 16:47


Hier gibt es einen weiteren Artikel von 1998:

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Auszüge daraus (holprige Englisch-Google-Übersetzung):
"People said Filipek the first time made a mistake. Since last year words from the Old Waliszów seer took on special meaning. People were afraid. Reminded the rest of the prophecy. The second flood in Klodzko and earthquake.

As long as he lived, went to him to heal, seek advice, listen to the prophecy. Maria was in Filipek only once. - It was back in those days - he laughs. - The Others, that is, before the political changes in Poland. Then worked in wood. A colleague from work was going on holiday to Yugoslavia. He had everything, and suddenly lost pozalatwiane piterek with documents and passport. You can imagine his despair. So much effort, money and all for nothing. Someone told him about Filipku. A few days later went to the Old Waliszów. Filipek took him and told him not to worry because everything will recover. He said that piterek someone found and carried to the concierge to the plants. Still advised to give him a good look, because I was thrown in the closet between szpargaly. It turned out that was exactly as Filipek said.

When a friend told me this story, I decided to go to Filipek - Maria tries to remember what it was a man. - Such a small, withered old man. I never knew how to react. I remember when I arrived there, the house has a lot of cars and klebil crowd. At one point I went Filipek. He looked at the people and said that today will not accept. Since no one seemed eager to departure, he began to scream. I felt stupid and I went myself. Anymore, I went not to him.

Filipek better to mention the store cosmetics saleswoman, the same one from which flowed during the floods wallpaper and cosmetics. - I've never been curious of his future - he says. - For Filipek went because I was doing inventory in the store and killed my very important documents. I searched for them for a week and I could not find it. In the end I thought about Filipku. It was my last resort. The visit did not last long and was not an emergency. Although he did Filipek big impression on me. You felt something strange about this man, my strength and magic. He looked at me, then somewhere down, then raised his eyes to heaven, and it was all over. It turned out that the documents when cleaning threw in the trash.

The predictions of the flood Filipek residents 'wolf' house before they knew. But in the beginning like everyone else - do not believe, and then just forgot. - The last flood was here before the war, probably in 1923 - explains Maria. - That anyone could believe that history will repeat again? Here, as is sometimes the water poured into the cellars, it seemed to us that we have a flood.

Actually, everyone started talking about Filipku when the water has already sinking. Recalled the prophecy and the associated - when the three sevens with each other will come down, it's a wolf in Klodzko drank water. And will it have the same face. A flood is the seventh began July 1997. But the worst is that Filipek predicted yet another flood. Apparently, when you come down three nines, the water has come up to the lion, which is at the town hall."

Hier noch eine weitere interessante Seite:

"When I meet three sevens, the disaster to come - if the wolf is in Klodzko drank water. But the final deluge will come, when the three nines will be displayed alongside each other - and then the lion's mouth Klodzko dip in the water ...

Words sounded like a really Filipek, we do not know - no one had written. We know them only from the stories people Klodzko."

=> Das hat niemand aufgeschrieben und man erzählt es sich halt so unter der ortsansässigen Bevölkerung.

1997 ging die Flut offenbar bis zu diesem Relief in Glatz:

"When the three nines will be displayed alongside each other - and then the lion's mouth Klodzko dip in the water ..." - Closest to the date of the three nines is 9 September 2009. If the prediction Filipek was to check one hundred percent, it would be probably the biggest deluge not only in Polish history, but also in Europe. At the fountain in the market at a height of 30 meters above the wolf is a statue of a lion with a clock.

Gemeint ist wahrscheinlich dieser Löwe am Rathaus von Glatz:

=> Ich tendiere dahin, daß die Aussage echt ist (also wirklich von Fediuk stammt).
Allerdings: In den Quellen, die ich im Netz gefunden habe, ist nie von der Ostsee die Rede, die den Ort überschwemmen soll. Davon ist auch nicht auszugehen, denn Glatz ist von der Ostsee rund 430 km entfernt und liegt auf 300 m über dem Meeresniveau. Das nördliche Mittelgebirge ragt sogar über 500 m. Es ist unmöglich, daß Ostseewasser bis dorthin gelangt. Das widerspräche auch allen Flutschauungen über Mitteleuropa.
Denkbar ist, daß es in Zukunft zu einer geographischen Veränderung dort kommt, so daß sich Wasser aufstaut und der Glatzer Kessel volläuft.


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