
Re: Shipton Expertise von 1881 (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Taurec ⌂, München, Mittwoch, 06.07.2011, 14:02 (vor 4806 Tagen) @ Taurec (6743 Aufrufe)
bearbeitet von Taurec, Mittwoch, 06.07.2011, 14:20



"The lines in question, and the notorious prophecy about the end of the world, were fabricated about twenty years ago, by Mr. Charles Hindley. The editor of Notes and Queries says, in the issue of that journal dated April 26th, 1873:-

'Mr. Charles Hindley, of Brighton, in a letter to us, has made a clean breast of having fabricated the Prophecy quoted at page 450 of our last volume, with some ten others included in his reprint of a chap-book version, published in 1862.'"

Die Kurzfassung hier in der Einleitung:

"This essay about Mother Shipton was written in the year 1881; it gives the text of the earliest Mother
Shipton prophecies, which primarily concern events from the reign of Henry the Eighth. As it turns out,
these were also spawned after the fact, penned by a notorious plagarist. The three earliest texts mention
nothing about horseless carriages, submarines, the telegraph, iron boats, let alone predict the year the
world will end.

So if there is any kernel of truth to the Mother Shipton legend, it can't be determined from any verifiable
documentation. Mother Shipton belongs in the same category as Robin Hood or King Arthur:a
legendary figure, possibly based on a real person, whose narrative has been enhanced by time and

Also bestenfalls so frei erfunden oder durch den Volksmund unzählige Male abgewandelt wie Mühlhiasl, am Ende dann in Gedichtform gebracht.
Von Hindley stammt offenbar nur die 1881-Aussage (die im von mir verlinkten Text nicht vorkommt) und die Technikaussagen. (?)


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