mehrstündige Sonnenfinsternisse (Schauungen & Prophezeiungen)

Ulrich ⌂, München-Pasing, Montag, 10.04.2017, 02:23 (vor 2708 Tagen) @ IFan (4524 Aufrufe)

Hallo IFan,

Von einer einfachen Sonnenfinsternis kann hier wohl nicht die Rede sein, siehe Wikipedia.

Auf Wikipedia ist kein Verlass, mehrstündige Sonnenfinsternisse haben eine lange Tradition, insbesondere solche die "drei Stunden" dauern und "weltweit" alles verdunkeln:

1147. On Sunday, the 7th day before the Kalends of November (Oct 26), a solar eclipse occurred at the 3rd hour and persisted until after the 6th. This eclipse stood fixed and motionless for a whole hour, as noted on the 'clock' (horologio)... During this hour a circle (circulus) of different colours and spinning rapidly (maximo rotatu) was said to be in the way.
[Annales Brunwilarenses; MGH, XVI, 727.]

AD 1176 Apr 11 [SundayJ (total, mag. = 1.06): Antioch
In this year 1487 (Seleucid), on New Sunday, the 11th of the month of
Nisan (= April), at daybreak, at the end of Office, that is, after the reading of the Gospel, the Sun was totally obscured; night fell and the stars appeared; the Moon itself was seen in the vicinity of the Sun. This was a sad and terrifying sight, which caused many people to lament with weeping; the sheep, oxen and horses crowded together in terror. The darkness lasted for two hours; afterwards the light returned. Fifteen days after, in this month of Nisan at the decline of Monday, at dusk, there was an eclipse of the Moon in the part of the sky where the eclipse of the Sun had taken place...

[Chronicle of Michael the Syrian, Book XX, chap. 3; in Syriac;
trans, from the rendering into French by Chabot (1905, vol. Ill, p. 367).]

1191. In the month of June on Sunday, the Vigil of the Nativity of St John the Baptist (Jun 23), the 9th day before the Kalends of July, on the 27th day of the Moon, at the 9th hour of the day, the Sun was eclipsed and it lasted for three hours; the Sun was so obscured that darkness arose over the Earth and stars appeared in the sky. And when the eclipse withdrew, the Sun returned to its original beauty.
[Gesta Regis Henrici II et Ricardi I; Stubbs (1867, I, p. 339).]

The Sun was obscured on Friday at the 6th hour of the day, and it
lasted for a while between the 6th and 9th hours and it lost all its strength (toda su fuerza) and there was as though night. There appeared many stars, and then the Sun grew bright again of its own accord, but for a long time it did not regain the strength that it usually has. Era 1277 (Julian = AD 1239).

[Anales Toledanos Segundos; in Spanish; Florez (1747), XXIII, 409.]

AD 1239 Jun 3 [Friday] (total, 1.08): Coimbra (Portugal)
On the 3rd day before the Nones of June (Jun 3), on the same day that
Christ suffered, namely the 6th day of the week (Friday), and at the same time that darkness occurred over the whole Earth at the Passion of our Lord, namely from the 6th to the 9th hours of the era 1237, there occurred a sign such has never happened since the Passion of our Lord until the present day. There was indeed night between the 6th and 9th hours and the Sun became as black as pitch and the Moon (sic) and many stars appeared in the sky. Then the receding of the darkness of night was followed by the receding and recovering of the Sun's original clarity. Many men and women assembled in the Church of the Holy Cross in Coimbra... everywhere the rays of the Sun penetrated into some hole

[Chronicon Conimbricense, III; Florez (1747, vol. II, p. 3

AD 1241 Oct 6 [Sunday] (total, 1.05): Reichersberg
1241. On the day before the Nones of October (Oct 6), the Sun while it
was bright was suddenly covered with wonderful blackness a little after
midday. As a result, no part of it could be seen and stars were seen as if during the night for about four hours.

[Chronicon Magni Presbyteri Continuatio; MGH, XVII, 528.]

1310. On the last day of January at the 8th hour of the day at Avignon there was an eclipse of the Sun, and it was eclipsed in an extraordinary manner, and was notably sparkling. There appeared as if at nightfall a single star, a second was the opinion of the crowd (vulgi). Then a remarkable semicircle was seen and it lasted until past the ninth hour.
[Ptolomaei Lucensis Hist, eccles. lib. XXIV; SRI, XI, 1232]

Der älteste überlieferte Versuch einer Bestimmung der Dauer einer Sonnenfinsternis stammt aus dem Jahr 1239:

AD 1239 Jun 3 [Friday] (total 1.08): Arezzo (Italy)
While I was in the city of Arezzo, where I was born, and in which I am
writing this book, in our monastery, a building which is situated towards the end of the fifth latitude zone (clima), whose latitude from the equator is 42 and a quarter degrees and whose westerly longitude is 32 and a third, one Friday, at the 6th hour of the day, when the Sun was 20 deg in Gemini and the weather was calm and clear, the sky began to turn yellow and I saw the whole body of the Sun covered step by step and it became night. I saw Mercury close to the Sun, and all the animals and birds were terrified; and the wild beasts could easily be caught. There were some people who caught birds and animals, because they were bewildered. I saw the Sun entirely covered for the space of time in which a man could walk fully 250 paces. The air and the ground began to become cold; and it (the Sun) began to be covered and uncovered from the west.

[Ristoro d'Arezzo: Delle composizione del mondo, lib. I, cap. XVI;
in Italian; quoted by Celoria (1877a).]

Ein zeitgenössischer Bericht (Bey, 1860) über die SoFi vom 18. Juli 1860 beschreibt die mögliche Ursache all dieser "mehrstündigen" Sonnenfinsternisse:

But at the moment of totality, all became silent and dumb. Neither a cry nor a rustling, nor even a whisper (was heard), but everywhere there was anxiety and consternation. To everyone the two minutes of the eclipse were like two hours. I do not exaggerate or imagine any of these details. Several people whom I questioned after the eclipse regarding the duration of totality replied that it had lasted for two hours...

Alle Zitate aus:
F. Richard Stephenson: "Historical Eclipses and Earth's Rotation"

Wenn in historischen Chroniken Minuten zu Stunden mutieren, sehe ich keine Veranlassung, ausgerechnet drei Schriften aus den Gründungsjahren einer Buch-Religion als dokumentarische Berichte zu verstehen, deren Zahl- und Zeitangaben wörtlich und nicht symbolisch gemeint seien.

Nach jüdischer Tradition werden Zeitdifferenzen (zwischen Tagen) berechnet, indem man den Tag des Ereignisses mitzählt. In die christliche Tradition haben sich deshalb "drei Tage" zwischen Kreuzigung und Auferstehung (Karfreitag bis Ostersonntag) eingeschlichen, obwohl es sich nur um zwei Tage handelt. Somit könnte die Zeitangabe "von der 6. bis zur 9. Stunde" dieses Motiv der "drei Tage" aufgreifen, zumal m.W. nicht gesichert ist, ob damit nicht Temporalstunden ( ) gemeint waren, somit exakt die Spanne zwischen "Sonne im Zenit (in der Wende zum Untergang) bis Sonnenuntergang".

Der Spruch zum "Markustag an Ostern" beinhaltet ja offensichtlich eine vergleichbare Symbolik:

Auch die (fixe?) Idee einer dreitägigen Finsternis, die gemäß dem Glauben der Milleniaristen der endzeitlichen Wiederkunft Christi vorausgehen wird, geht nach Meinung einiger Autoren auf die Vorstellung zurück, daß sich diese "drei Tage Gottesferne" zwischen Karfreitag und Ostersonntag in Form einer dreitägigen Finsternis wiederholen werden.


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